<1> Identify Asset Type. Determine whether asset is a
primary or a secondary asset. Proceed to <2>.
<2> Is Asset Primary? If the asset is determined to be a
primary asset, proceed to <3>, otherwise proceed to <5>
for a secondary asset.
<3> Enter Primary Asset on DSC Worksheet. Enter asset
in a space provided in the column labeled "assets" on
DCS Worksheet (see Appendix B for all worksheets).
Enter a "P" in the column labeled "Primary (P) or
Secondary (S)." Also, enter the letter corresponding to
the applicable asset category from Table D-1 in the
<1> Identify Asset
column labeled "Asset Category." Proceed to <4>.
<4> Enter Primary Asset on AVAL Worksheet. Enter
primary asset in the space provided on AVAL Worksheet.
Use a separate form for each primary asset, except
where there are several assets in the same facility that
<2> Is
are in the same category and are likely to be of the same
Asset Primary?
value to the user. Enter the letter corresponding to the
applicable asset category from Table D-1 in the space
provided. Enter whatever description is appropriate such
as the asset's location or owner in the space provided to
<5> Enter
further identify it. Return to Figure D-3.
<3> Enter Primary
Secondary Asset
<5> Enter Secondary Asset on DCS Worksheet. Enter
Asset On DCS
secondary asset onto DCS Worksheet in the space
immediately below the primary asset it supports. Enter
an "S" in the column labeled "Primary (P) or Secondary
(S)" and enter the letter corresponding to the applicable
<6> Enter
asset category from Table D-1 in the column labeled
<4> Enter Primary
"Asset Category." Proceed to <6>.
Secondary Asset
Asset On AVAL
<6> Enter Secondary Asset on AVAL Worksheet. Enter
asset in the space provided on AVAL Worksheet, using a
separate form for each secondary asset. Enter an "S" in
parentheses following the asset name to indicate that it
is a secondary asset. Enter the letter corresponding to
the asset category from Table D-1 in the space provided.
Enter whatever description is appropriate in the space
provided to further identify the asset. Also enter the
name of the primary asset which the secondary asset
supports in parentheses. Return to Figure D-3.
Figure D-5
Process Chart and Description: Asset Identification Procedure