Table D-10
Relative Value for People as Assets
Probable Level of Occupancy
Value Rating Factor
Number of mission-critical or high risk
personnel in facility is likely to be
fewer than 3 or general population of
facility is likely to be fewer than 10.
Number of mission-critical or high risk
personnel in facility is likely to be
greater than or equal to 3 and fewer than
10 or general population in facility is
likely to be greater than or equal to 10
and fewer than 30.
Number of mission-critical or high risk
personnel in facility is likely to be
greater than or equal to 10 and fewer
than 20 or general population in facility
is likely to be greater than or equal to
30 and fewer than 60.
Number of mission-critical or high risk
personnel in facility is likely to be
greater than or equal to 20 and fewer
than 30 or general population in facility
is likely to be greater than or equal to
60 and fewer than 100.
Number of mission-critical or high risk
personnel in facility is likely to be
greater than or equal to 30 or general
population in facility is likely to be
greater than or equal to 100.
Table D-11
Asset Value Rating
Sum of Value Rating Factors
0 to 5
Very Low (VL)
6 to 9
Low (L)
10 to 13
Medium (M)
14 to 17
High (H)
18 to 20
Very High (VH)
Secondary Asset Value Assessment Procedure. Figure D-8
presents the process chart and procedure description for the
secondary asset value assessment procedure. It provides
structures and clarifications required to assess the value of
each secondary asset under consideration.