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Table D-20
Nearby Incidents in the Past
Number of Incidents in the Geographical
Likelihood Rating
Area in the Past
There were no incidents involving similar
assets on or around installations in the
geographical area in the past 3 years.
There was one incident involving similar
assets on or around installations in the
geographical area in the past 3 years.
There were two or three incidents
involving similar assets on or around
installations in the geographical area in
the past 3 years.
There were four or five incidents
involving similar assets on or around
installations in the geographical area in
the past 3 years.
There were more than five incidents
involving similar assets on or around
installations in the geographical area in
the past 3 years.
Potential for Future Incidents. This factor addresses
the probability that aggressors will attempt to compromise an
asset in the future.
Asset Accessibility. This factor addresses protective
measures which are in place for existing facilities or planned
for new and existing facilities. Accessibility is assessed
differently for different types of assets based upon how they are
usually stored for assets subject to theft or upon the
effectiveness of construction in stopping weapons effects where
assets are subject to destruction, death, or injury. Evaluate
this factor using Table D-23 to Table D-26 for each aggressor as
indicated in Table D-22. In Table D-23 through Table D-25,
intrusion detection systems (IDS) facilitate delay after
detection by detecting aggressors before they reach a barrier so
the barrier may provide delay until a response force arrives.
Protective layers in Table D-25 refer to envelopes of building
components which completely enclose an asset.