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worksheet for each aggressor.  Aggressors whose likelihood rating
is very low do not pose a significant threat and should receive
no further consideration.
Table D-29
Likelihood Rating
Sum of Likelihood Rating
Likelihood Rating
11 to 17
Very Low (VL)
18 to 29
Low (L)
30 to 41
Medium (M)
42 to 53
High (H)
54 to 60
Very High (VH)
Applicable Tactics and Severity Levels Identification
Procedure.  The tactics that aggressors are likely to use in
attempting to compromise an asset can be selected based on the
aggressor's likely objectives and the asset category.  Figure D-
14 presents the process chart for the applicable tactics and
severity levels identification procedure. Figure D-15 explains
each structure presented in Figure D-14.
Required Information.  The following information is
required for the applicable tactics and severity levels
identification procedure:
a) Knowledge of applicable tactics.
b) Worksheets (see Appendix B):
1)  Asset Value/Aggressor Likelihood (AVAL)
2)  Glazing System Tactic and Threat Severity
Level (TTSL)
Identify Tactic Threat Severity Levels.  A range of
tools, weapons, or explosives may apply to each tactic.  The
tactic's threat severity level defines which tools, weapons, or
explosives within that range apply for a given threat.  Threat
severity levels are designated as very low, low, medium, high, or
very high.  Different tactics may have different numbers of
possible threat severity levels for different aggressors.  In
some cases, a tactic only has one possible threat severity level.
In those cases, the severity level is indicated by a "yes."  The
threat severity levels are selected based upon the likelihood of
aggression.  Selecting threat severity levels considering
likelihood of aggression is based on risk acceptance.  If the

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