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addressed include what constitutes the DoD physical security program, the
responsibilities for overseeing the program, security system elements and
performance objectives, generic threat types, prioritization of assets,
physical security planning and system acquisition, and protective design and
military construction related policies.  These general policies are followed
by more specific policies related to facility access and circulation control,
the security of weapons systems and platforms, bulk petroleum products, as
well as communication systems and material, including controlled inventory
items such as drugs and precious metals.  The following briefly summarizes
some key elements of this directive as it relates to this handbook.
Security System Elements and Performance Objectives.  DoD 5200.8-R
indicates that the objective of a security system is to preclude or reduce
the potential for sabotage, theft, trespass, terrorism espionage or other
criminal activity.  The following functional elements of the security system
must perform in an integrated manner to achieve these objectives:
Detection alerts security personnel to possible threats and
attempts at unauthorized entry at or shortly after time of occurrence.
Assessment through use of video subsystems, patrols, or fixed
posts, assists in localizing and determining the size and intention of an
unauthorized intrusion or activity.
Command and control through diverse and secure communications
ensures that all countermeasures contribute to preventing or containing
sabotage, theft, or other criminal activity.
Delay, through the use of active and passive security
measures, including barriers, impedes intruders in their efforts to reach
Response through the use of designated, trained, and properly
equipped security forces.  Detection and delay must provide sufficient
warning and protection to the asset until the response force can be expected
to arrive at the scene.
Physical Security Threat and Prioritization of Assets.  The general
threat types in DoD 5200.8-R are summarized in Figure 1.  Prioritization of
assets and related level of security are given in Figure 2.  These threats
and asset types are addressed further in par. 2.3.
Protective Design and Military Construction.  DoD 5200.8-R
specifies that MIL-HDBK-1013/1 or other approved security engineering
guidance be used.
MIL-HDBK-1190: Facility Planning and Design Guide.  This document
indicates that physical security threat definition should be part of the
Master Planning and Siting Criteria process (Chapter 3) and references DoD

Western Governors University

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