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![]() MIL-HDBK-1013/1A
* Threat Type *
Threat Description
Threat Example
* Individuals in organized and
* Terrorists and special *
* trained groups alone or with
* purpose forces; highly *
* assistance from an insider;
* trained intelligence
* skilled armed and equipped
* agents.
* intruders with penetration aids.*
Individual(s) working alone or * Highly organized criminal*
Advanced *
in collusion with an insider; * elements; terrorists or *
skilled or semiskilled without * paramilitary forces;
* foreign intelligence
penetration aids.
* agents with access.
* Individual(s) or insider(s)
* Career criminals;
* Intermedia * working alone or in small
* organized crime; white
* groups; some knowledge or
* collar criminals; active *
* familiarity of security system. * demonstrators; covert
* some terrorist groups.
* Individual(s) or insider(s)
* Casual intruders;
* working alone or in a small
* pilferers and thieves;
* group.
* overt intelligence
* collectors; passive
* demonstrators.
Figure 1
Physical Security Threat Matrix ( oD 5200.8-R)
5100.76-M for arms, ammunition, and explosives and DoD 5210.41-M for nuclear
weapons security.
DoD 5200.1-R: DoD Information Security Program Regulation of 30 May
1986; DoD 5200.2-R: DoD Personnel Security Program Regulation of 16 December
1986; and DoD 5230.24: Distribution Statements on Technical Documents. These
documents provide operational security guidance associated with personnel and
classified material. Minimum physical security requirements are also
DoD 4270.1-M: Policy Guidelines For Installation, Planning, Design
Construction and Upkeep. This Manual is written for installation commanders
to help new facility construction as well as maintenance, repair, and
renovation of existing permanent and temporary facilities so that the
installation can accomplish its mission now and in the future. With regard to
security, the Manual provides general policy guidance that protection is
required against espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and theft for facilities
that include: aircraft shelters; ammunition and weapons storage facilities;
command and control facilities; communications facilities; petroleum, oils,
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