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(1) Political Considerations. The relationship with
the public, including on-post and off-post personnel.
(a) Adjacent Landowners or Other Tenant
Organizations. Assess potential problems, such as high-
intensity security lighting's impact on neighbors, the
safety of neighbors, and inconveniences such as traffic
restrictions. Identify any neighbors requiring special
(b) Appearance. Consider the public perception
of the appearance of a proposed security facility,
site, or area. For example, public perception of a
"fortress" may be either desirable or undesirable.
(c) Public Access. Identify restrictions on
limiting public access to a facility, a site, or an
area of an installation.
(d) Political Climate. Consider how the local
situation influences facility design or land use
decisions. Politically unpopular decisions may actually
attract acts of aggression to completed facilities.
(2) Financial Considerations. Establish funding
limitations for security based on such criteria as
regulations, available budget, or the planning team's
judgement of a reasonable limit for security costs.
Describe limitations in terms of actual cost or
percentage of facility cost.
(3) Regulations. Consider other government
regulations which pertain to design. Ensure that all
pertinent regulations are cited and identify any which
are not. Also consider requirements imposed by the
installation's physical security plan, local building
codes, life safety, and occupational safety and health
codes or regulations.
(4) Procedural or Operational Considerations.
Installation or facility user requirements related to
operations in either normal or heightened threat
conditions. Examples include:
(a) Deliveries. Requirements related to how and
where deliveries or pickups are to be made, e.g., mail,
supplies, material, and trash, service or construction
Figure 3
Checklist of Other Design Constraints and Requirements

Western Governors University

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