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In addition to these studies, several bases also have their own design
guides which include recommended colors and materials. Consult the PM for more
Where a BEAP has been completed, it shall be used as a principal
guide in evaluating the compatibility of a new structure with the existing architectural
character of the activity. In all cases, accepted design precepts (scale, proportion,
rhythm, etc.) should also be used as a basis for architectural compatibility.
Appropriateness of the proposed construction materials as they relate to surrounding
buildings must also be considered, as well as the geological and climatic conditions.
The area of concern of the Architectural Review Board is specifically limited to the
exterior aesthetics of facilities and complexes. It is not the intent to concern the Board
in any way with the functional organization or material choices for structures except as
they affect exterior appearance.
Concurrent with submission of the PEP submittal or the 35%
submittal, a SEPARATE SUBMISSION of an Exterior Architectural Design Submittal to
the Architectural Review Board is required. A formal presentation may be required for
more highly visible projects. Should substantial changes occur after the 35% design
review, a complete review may be requested at the final submittal. The Exterior
Architectural Design Submittal shall consist of the following:
(a) Statement of Compatibility - Provide a brief description of the
design, stating concisely the architectural compatibility of the project with the existing
permanent facilities and the BEAP, if one exists. This includes not only building
characteristics, but a site analysis, visual environmental concept, and appropriateness
of construction methods and materials.
(b) Drawings - Provide the following scale drawings, developed to
the stage indicated:
1. Site Plan - Indicate site boundaries, building locations
(existing, proposed, and future), parking, pedestrian
circulation, pedestrian and service entrances, and
2. Floor Plans - Indicate main entrances, service areas, room
designations, and exterior stairs and ramps.
3. Elevations - Indicate all exterior materials, architectural
characteristics and design elements, doors and windows.
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