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B.  Describe the degree of treatment and each of the unit processes proposed.
Address the operational requirement related to the selected type of treatment.
C. State design factors with present and projected design population loads for
sewage treatment plants. For projects geographically located within the Continental
United States, coordinate with the PM and Code 181 for special meetings and
submissions to the State Regulatory Agencies.
D. State materials to be used for sewer systems and sewage treatment plants.
Identify standards (Federal, State, local) governing the design.
F.  Describe the impact of steam condensation and cooling water discharges
on existing sewer piping and sewage treatment plants and the estimated cost of
distribution and treatment of this additional loading. Analyze the discharge
alternatives for industrial waste water related to a direct discharge, no discharge or a
discharge to the sanitary. Provide a cost based solution considering applicable
environmental regulations.
A. State general soil conditions, with a brief outline of soil exploration and
testing performed.
B.  Describe the type and volume of traffic, controlling wheel loads and types
or classes of roads under consideration with justification for any deviation from criteria
thicknesses for these classes.
A. The relative economies of rigid and flexible paving are constantly
changing with the improvement of design features and construction techniques and
with the development of new products. These factors are of significant importance in
both new pavement construction and in the rehabilitation of existing pavements. All
projects require careful study and evaluation of the in-place materials and the proposed
construction materials. For these reasons, LANTNAVFACENGCOM will review
carefully the proposed design cross sections on all major airfield paving projects.
B.  State general soil conditions with a brief outline of soil exploration and
testing performed.
C. Identify design wheel loading, type of aircraft, any abnormal operating

Western Governors University

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