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![]() 4/17/93
(2) Describe the source of thermal energy which will be used, such as
extension of central high pressure steam with meter, hot water with meter, or
independent heating facility with the type of fuel to be utilized. Also explain why this
source was selected in lieu of other available sources. Where there is a possibility of
more than one type being economical or where it is large enough to qualify under
Energy Conservation, a computerized analysis shall be included to justify the selection.
Resistance electricity and L.P. gas are not allowed for space comfort heating except in
unusual situations. Contact LANTNAVFACENGCOM Mechanical Engineering
Branch, telephone 804-444-9903, for guidance concerning allowable fuel sources.
(3) Briefly describe and/or show on the drawings the type and routing of
the system proposed to convey the heat source, if applicable; for example, 100 psig low
level, aboveground steam and condensation lines on concrete support, interconnecting
to the existing system at manhole no. 150 and traveling due north into the mechanical
equipment room. State if condensate return system is to be utilized. If condensate is to
be wasted, heat reclaim should be considered. For Tidewater area activities wasted
condensate should go to the storm system. For all other activities wasted condensate
should go to the sanitary sewer system. If wasted to sanitary sewer within 100 feet of
lift station, condensate should be cooled to 110F otherwise use cooling well for one
hour of retention (unless specifically instructed otherwise). Indicate the maximum
hourly production of condensate so LANTNAVFACENGCOM may make a study of
the storm or sanitary system adequacy and determine if there are any permit
requirements. Include this in the "civil" basis of design section.
(4) Provide a complete description and schematics of the heating system
proposed including an explanation of why this system is preferred over others. Also
indicate locations of major components of the system. For larger systems which qualify
under energy conservation, a computerized comparison between at least two systems is
Ventilation (ASHRAE Ventilation Standard 62 (latest edition)).
(1) State whether a gravity or mechanical system is to be used and
provide a brief description of the type proposed.
(2) Indicate the number of outside air changes per hour in various areas,
the type of filtration, if applicable, and whether OSHA requirements are applicable.
(3) State if smoke removal systems are to be employed in accordance with
MIL-HDBK-1008 (latest edition).
(4) Describe the operation of the system in summer and winter modes.
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