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The use of symbols is undesirable for three basic reasons: (1) most are difficult to
produce on a typewriter; (2) they frequently have more than one meaning; (3) the typist
may not know what is intended and therefore type an improper symbol. Feet ('), inch
("), degree (), pound and number (#), should be written out, except that number may
be abbreviated (No.). In the text it is preferable to spell figures except where they give
dimensions, for example: "Ten buildings", "100 feet long"; however, "one" and "zero",
where used singly shall always be spelled out. Never use both the written and
numerical figure, "ten (10)."
Except as provided in Section 5 for sketches in amendments, plates, sketches,
and details shall be provided on the drawings and not in the specifications.
A. 35% SUBMITTAL (OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS). Before starting work on
project specifications, the A&E personnel who prepare the project specification shall
confer as necessary with the LANTNAVFACENGCOM Specifications Branch to ensure
a clear understanding of current Government requirements. All A&Es starting their
first project for LANTNAVFACENGCOM shall confer with the Engineering and
Design Division and particularly the Specifications Branch before starting any work.
The Specifications Branch will provide A&Es with a document titled `Instructions to
A&Es and Typists", and this document should be thoroughly studied prior to
beginning preparation of specifications.
After the preliminary architectural and engineering studies have been
completed and the basic features of the proposed design have been established, but
before any detailed preparation of project specifications is begun, an outline
specification shall be submitted as a part of the 35% submittal.
The outline specification should list each anticipated section of the project
specification along with appropriate statements applicable to each section. The outline
specification should state all basic construction items and specific types of materials,
and should be complete enough to enable LANTNAVFACENGCOM to ascertain that
the proper guide specifications are being used and to provide appropriate guidance to
the A&E. Where the specification writer is editing documents within the computer, the
use of hard CODY is optional and the document to be furnished for review or final bond
manuscript may be developed entirely from the specification processor. In any event,
the Guide Specification to be used must be approved at the 35% stage. The outline
specifications should describe any special conditions of service and site conditions
inherent in the project. The following sample outline specification illustrates the type
of information desired:

Western Governors University

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