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d. When in doubt as how to show overhead distribution work, carefully
review the information contained on LANTNAVFACENGCOM
sketches 16302L-1.1 through 16302L-1.5a.
e. Do not use symbols which describe facilities in general or vague terms.
f. Do not describe proposed work by referencing sketch numbers instead
of pole detail designation symbols.
g. Do not use pole detail designation symbols to describe existing
h. Do not install transformer banks, underground terminals, or switches
on corner, angle, or other congested poles. These devices must be
installed on uncongested tangent poles.
a. Use LANTNAVFACENGCOM pole plates whenever applicable
LANTNAVFACENGCOM pole plates are available. In situations
where an applicable LANTNAVFACENGCOM pole plate has not
been developed, provide detail(s) as required. Designer developed
details must contain level of detail equivalent to the
LANTNAVFACENGCOM pole plates and include material
requirements. Unless another presentation method is proposed to and
accepted by LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code 404,
LANTNAVFACENGCOM pole plates with required supplementary
details shall be used for pole line construction work.
(1) When using pole plates, a note referencing the pole detail
designation symbols (similar to the following) must be placed on
the drawings:
XFB, 15FR3-N, etc.. are pole detail designation symbols. Refer to
LANTNAVFACENGCOM Sketches TS-16302L-1.3 through TS-
163021-43 on Sheets
for an explanation of the use
and description of equipment provided by these symbols.
(2) Do not modify LANTNAVFACENGCOM pole plates; any
required exceptions or modifications must be included as
supplemental information with the pole detail designation symbols.
b. Use aluminum or copper conductors. Do not use aluminum-conductor
steel-reinforced (ACSR).
Attachment A-12