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![]() (i) Pumps, fans and air compressors
(j) Domestic hot water heaters
(k) Other special equipment
(11) All marked materials returned to the A&E with p revious submittal (i.e.,
plans, specifications, cost estimate, Basis of Design, Calculations, reports, etc.).
Distribution of plans, specifications and cost estimates are project specific and are
provided by the PM in the contract's Appendix A.
a. The purpose of the final submittal is to finalize design phase and prepare
documents for construction contract advertisement. Each pre -final comment sent to the
A&E shall be returned with each comment addressed. If the co mment was incorporated
into the design, a response shall so indicate. If the comment was not incorporated, an
explanation shall be provided for not doing so.
b. Elements include appropriate signatures and final tracings. All documents shall
have the seal of the A&E responsible for the work as required by Section 3.2. A firm or
partnership stamp is not acceptable. Where the firm's state of residency does not provide
for professional sealing, compliance with the state's normal requirements will suffic e.
c. Final tracings, masters and any other data developed by the A&E shall become the
property of the Government unless stated otherwise in the contract.
d. Drawings on CD -R in individual AutoCAD .DWG files PLUS one hard copy of
1/2 size and one hard copy of full-size drawings. On a project specific basis, PM may
have the A&E provide .PDF files in addition to .DWG files. Individual CAD drawing
files will be BOUND prior to writing to CD. Prior to submission, scan all computer disks
for viruses using a commercial anti -virus scanning program. All discs shall be labeled as
described in paragraph 5.11.
e. Final Spec on CD -R in SPECSINTACT format.
f. Included on this CD with Spec will be the Cost Estimate, Calculations, Field Notes,
Reports & Studies, Environmental Construction and/or Operating Permit(s), if applicable,
Spec Title Page signed by the A/E , and any reports or attachments that need to be
included in the contract, ALL in individual .PDF files .
CD shall be left open by the A/E so that i nformation can be added to or corrected, if
Cost estimates in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format on SPECS CD-R include:
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