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(1) Computerized estimate, which includes a computer run estimate, marked pre -
final estimate, and vendor/manufacturer quotes (i. e. MEANS, MCASES, etc).
(2) Manual estimates (if applicable) that include a backup estimate with
summary sheet(s), marked pre -final estimate, and vendor/manufacturer quotes.
(3) Proposed bid items with detailed backup estimate (if estimated construct ion
cost exceeds construction funds available).
NOTE: All computations, studies, and significant material shall be produced in bound
book form in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format on SPECS CD.
g. Interior Color Design (if applicable), which may include:
(1) One color board (maximum size 23" X 30") displaying all materials labeled
with color codes.
(2) Two (2) 8-1/2" X 11" binders containing all coded materials.
(3) Furniture footprint reflecting final collateral equipment list and the color
study when one has been required.
(4) Finalized finish schedule, color legend and color notes.
h. All marked materials returned with previous submittal.
i. A/E Quality Control Check prints.
j. Special Scheduling Paragraphs.