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found, the A&E shall indicate the extent of asbestos, lead based paint or hazardous
material removal in the project documents and specify removal procedures per applicable
regulations and in sufficient detail for the contractor to submit an accurate bid. (Note -
Pipe insulation shall be indicated by major systems on as -built type drawings, etc.). If
testing is performed and the material does not contain asbestos or lead based paint, add a
note on the drawings to the effect.
b. For asbestos removal, several different cleanup scenarios are presented:
(1) Complete Cleanup: A project is scoped for removal of all asbestos bearing
materials within a crawl space. In this case, the A&E shall be requested to take asbestos
insulation samples (pipe coverings), soil surface contamination samples (debris), and soil
contamination samples. The results from testing the soil and soil surface contamination
samples will be used to determine the scope of cleanup operations. One alternative to
consider when soil contamination occurs would be to determine if the debris trail follows
a geometric pattern; i.e., onl y under the pipe runs. If this is true, it might be more
economical to treat those areas, only, by removal. However, the requirement for soil
removal should be backed by laboratory tests and proper interpretation of the law as it
pertains. If soil surfa ce contamination exists, removal of the debris, only, may be
adequate if subsequent air and soil samples indicate an acceptable environment. If
contamination is not found, the following statement shall be placed on the drawings
beside the crawl space: "Soil (debris) has been tested and found to be asbestos free."
When soil samples show contamination, the statement, "Soil (debris) is contaminated
with asbestos" shall be used. Similar situations occur in other areas of a building, such as
mechanical rooms , attics and high truss areas, and spaces between floors. In attics, the
ceiling and/or the insulation above it would be treated like the soil previously mentioned.
The appropriate statement would then have the format: "The ____________ area is
contamin ated with asbestos (debris)."
(2) Partial Cleanup: A project where insulation has been tested as required and
some asbestos has been found, and only the pipes/materials being worked on will be
reinsulated or removed and replaced. This could happen in a crawl space, attic,
mechanical equipment room, high truss area above ceilings, pipe chases and other areas.
In these cases, the following note shall be placed on the plumbing or mechanical
drawings, as well as drawings of other disciplines, which will be performing work in
area: "Asbestos is present in the ______________ area. Protect all personnel within this
asbestos area during the entire construction period by complying with 29 CFR 1926.58."
Also when appropriate, along with the 35% submittal, addr ess a letter to the Station with
the following comments: "Asbestos laden pipe insulation was found during sampling on
the following lines and it is likely that asbestos insulation exists beyond the limits of this
project." Then list the pipelines involve d. A similar scenario would be appropriate for
new electrical work in existing manholes. Cables that are not to be worked on need not
be cleaned. However, the contractor must be warned about the potentially hazardous