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![]() (3) No Cleanup: A pr o ject where the building is older than 1975 and no work is to
be done on existing piping or asbestos suspected materials (i.e., apparently no testing
required). However, the A&E should consider that, when running new piping or conduit
in an older building , the existing finish materials that require drilling and cutting to allow
the work to pass, or the spaces, especially attics and crawl spaces, through which the
work must pass may be asbestos contaminated. Testing should be done and the existing
asbestos identified. In this scenario, the same note shall be applied to the drawings as if it
was a Partial Cleanup: "Asbestos is present in the _______________ area. Protect all
personnel within this asbestos area by complying with 29 CFR 1926.58."
(4) Total Demolition: A project where a building or facility is to be demolished
and the site readied to receive a new building or facility. Each possible building material
that historically could have been an asbestos based material should be tested. Instances
of asbestos contamination should be clearly indicated, by specific building system, with
special care taken to include any secondary contamination that might have occurred due
to debris from that system. If a specific system indicates a tendency toward a sbestos
contamination, then the entire system should be so treated. Also, in facilities scheduled
for demolition, investigation should be made to find sources of hidden asbestos.
c. If the A&E decides to obtain the services of an outside testing organiz ation to assist
in defining the asbestos related work, the emphasis should be on an organization that can
provide in -house engineering. They should be capable of using engineering judgment
and experience to search out suspected sources of asbestos, with the initiative to suggest
further testing when required, and the knowledge and experience with the EPA directives
to interpret them and suggest the most financially efficient cleanup methods. They
should also be capable of producing detailed engineering dr awings delineating the extent
of the asbestos removal effort required, in a biddable format, and professionally seal
these drawings themselves.
a. Describe the existing system, indicating particularly the type, capacity, condition,
present water use, and unsatisfactory elements.
b. State type of construction proposed, materials for water mains, type of well, etc.
c. For exterior distribution systems, state design parameters including domestic and
fire flow, residual pressure, eleva tion differentials, etc. Include designer's initial estimate
of pipe sizes. For projects geographically located within the Continental United States
coordination with the appropriate State Regulatory Agency is required.
d. State tentative sizes, elevations , capacity, etc., as can readily be determined
without long computations or design consideration for reservoirs, treatment units,
pumping stations, well pumps, and such units.
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