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c. Smoke from equipment.
d. Odors from paints and other petroleum based products.
e. Soil erosion caused by stripping operations.
f. Clean up of wash water prior to discharge/runoff.
g. Containment of accidental fuel, oil, paint and other petrochemical spills.
h. Disposal of wastes.
Fire protection design features shall be in accordance with MIL-HDBK-1190; Facility Planning
and Design Guide, MIL-HDBK-1008B, Fire Protection For Facilities Engineering, Design, and
Construction; N a t i o n a l F i r e P r o t e c t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n N a t i o n a l F i r e C o d e s ; a n d
PACNAVFACENGCOM Code 408 policies (refer to Appendix J).
together with the Basis of Design, as indicated in the "Scope." The analysis shall be in
accordance with PACNAVFACENGCOMINST 11320.9A (refer to Appendix J).
5.10.2 Hydraulic Calculations. Provide hydraulic calculations for projects requiring sprinkler
5.10.3 Elevator Hoistways. The A-E shall design for the automatic shutdown of the main
power supply to elevators located in facilities equipped with automatic sprinkler protection, in
accordance with NAVFAC Design Policy Letter DPL-88-00d10 of 29 Nov 1988 (refer to
Appendix I).
5.10.4 Fire Protection Features. Discuss, as applicable, the following information shown on
the drawings.
a. Existing buildings within 100 feet of the project, including building heights and
b. Existing and proposed fire hydrants and water mains (including sizes) within 500 feet
of the project. Include flow test data used to calculate residual pressure at design
c. Location and size of proposed fire sprinkler risers.
d. Existing and proposed fire alarm boxes and circuits.
e. Existing and proposed access roads.