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|| Describe the maintenance procedures that will be required to upkeep the implemented
landscaping plan. Indicate whether the required maintenance is within the capability of the
current Activity personnel staffing. Describe the landscaping plan and the manner in which it enhances or reduces air
conditioning loads, less desirable views and features, privacy, soil erosion and noise pollution.
5.14.2 Irrigation Systems. The goal of the irrigation system to apply water efficiently (i.e.,
achieve the highest possible plant uptake to water applied ratio) and in quantities sufficient to
promote maximum plant growth. Requirements. Identify irrigation requirements to sustain minimum and maximum
plant growth and plant growth under varying weather conditions. Type. Describe the type of irrigation system selected and indicate the water
application and plant uptake rate. Indicate whether the system will be automatic or manual. If
no irrigation system will be provided, provide hose connection points so that hoses and portable
sprinklers may be used. Calculations. Indicate the total system water requirement. Identify total number of
circuits, maximum circuit size and precipitation rate of each circuit. Provide calculations
regarding the residual pressure at the point of application for the designed flow rates. Maintenance. Describe irrigation system dependability, durability and recommended
Value Engineering is the process in which a design is revaluated from a functional and cost
viewpoint and is conducted to assure that maximum value is obtained for the funding to be
expended. Typically, a value engineering study will recommend alternate lower cost materials
and construction methods (as compared with the standard materials and methods) and thereby
achieve reduced project cost, without sacrificing any functional aspect of the project design.
5.15.1 Identify and report Value Engineering recommendations to the PDE as soon in the
design process as possible. Adequate lead time is required for higher command approvals of
Value Engineering recommendations involving new and/or untested materials, methods and
equipment. PACDIV's Value Engineering Bulletin (June 1991), which lists a number of Value
Engineering ideas, is provided in Appendix K.
The goal of the Department of the Navy Energy Conservation Program is to use energy
efficiently and thereby eliminate waste in the use of energy. The terms energy conservation and
efficient energy use will be used interchangeably in the following paragraphs.