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5.16.1 Identify potential energy conserving design features. Evaluate and summarize those
features which have the potential to save significant quantities of energy and therefore money.
The A-E is encouraged to generate creative, imaginative and innovative ideas that save energy.
Use Type I life cycle economic analyses to evaluate potential conservation measures. For
measures that have a large savings-to-investment ratio (SIR), notify the PDE as soon as possible
in the design process so that appropriate measures can be taken to incorporate the measure into
the design.
5.16.2 When authorized, include all technically and economically feasible conservation
measures into the project design and include a description of the measure and all supporting
documentation in the Basis.
5.17.1 General. Describe the impact of the added project utilities loads on the Activity or
Station generating and distribution systems. Specifically, discuss the following.
a. Adequacy of the affected portions of the existing utilities systems to accommodate the
added loads.
b. For purchased power, the adequacy of the station utilities service entrance to
accommodate the added load.
5.17.2 Utility Interruptions. Indicate the number and duration of interruptions to station utility
services that will occur during construction of the designed project.
conducted to locate underground utilities.
The type of facility will dictate the criteriathat will be used in the design. Indicate the criteria
used and identify the security requirements that have been designed into the project. With
regard to equipment type, the current goal is to install uniform types of IDS components for ease
of long term maintenance.
5.18.1 Types of Facilities. Some of the facilities with a requirement for physical security are
as follows.
a. Armories
b. Arm Rooms
c. Weapons and Explosives Storage Facilities
d. Ready Service Lockers
e. Terminal Equipment Buildings
f. Communications Buildings