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hammer used to drive the sample; the size of casing used; and the manufacturer,
model and size of the sampler used for both undisturbed and disturbed samples.
Prepare boring logs in accordance with the sample contained in Appendix L.
c. Include the ground elevation of the sample referenced to an established datum.
d. Describe the character of the materials encountered (i.e., classification by visual
inspection and an indication of the firmness in place) and the elevations at which the
materials were encountered.
e. Indicate elevation at which ground water was fast encountered; the elevation of the
ground water after water level stabilization; and all unusual ground water conditions.
f. Be alert for any evidence of' possible chemical contamination on the site. As a
minimum, conduct field evaluation of each boring sample with equipment capable of
detecting the presence of petroleum products.
If conditions are discovered which indicate a need for additional soils testing, verbally notify the
PDE and recommend, in writing, such additional sampling, tests or studies that are required to
ensure technical adequacy and statistical reliability of the soils data obtained.
After completion of the borings, backfill the holes and restore the ground surface, including any
paved surfaces to the original condition, immediately, unless monitoring of water levels is
required. Report. Prepare a technical report, including the results of the soils boring and testing
work; details of the comprehensive analyses performed, together will all supporting information;
and foundation recommendations. The report shall include the following:
a. A map showing the location of each boring as related to all of the following: the
"footprint" of the proposed structure; the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates;
existing structures in the vicinity of the borings; and other landmark features which
are readily identifiable on Activity maps.
b. A record of each hole in graphical form and the associated tabulated results of the
test samples taken.  Present the test results in the format recommended by the
standardized ASTM testing procedure.
c. A clear identification of the soils classification and testing system used by the testing
d. Graphs, formulas, references, supporting calculations and other information that a
reviewer will need to completely understand the analysis presented.
e. Discussions regarding: the potential for deformation (e.g., soil upheaval and/or
subsidence); slope stabilities; the degree of consolidation (settlement) anticipated; and
other related concerns.

Western Governors University

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