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f. A list of the various alternative foundation systems available for use in the project.
g. An evaluation of the various foundation systems available and identification of the
most suitable (i.e., recommended) foundation system, together with an economic
analysis or other information which supports the recommendation.
h. Identification of necessary design parameters and critical items for construction.
6.2.2 Soil Testing and Earthwork Standards. Conduct soil testing in accordance with
standard ASTM methods or other approved procedures and as a minimum, include the number
of data points recommended by these standards. Present test results in a manner recommended
by the standard and clearly indicate the standard procedure used by the testing laboratory.
Compaction requirements shall be based on ASTM D1557 - Method B, C, or D.
6.2.3 Foundation Design Recommendations. After a thorough evaluation of the alternative
foundation systems, the A-E shall recommend selection of the most practical and economical
foundation system for the proposed structure. The recommendations shall be submitted by a
registered Civil Engineer with geotechnical engineering experience.
6.2.4 Ground Motion Criteria. To properly design certain types of structures such as
hospitals, the designing A-E will need ground motion information for the site. The following
procedures are intended to promote a more uniform approach for determining ground motion and
not intended to limit the methodology considered by the A-E. Procedures. Follow the procedures published by the Structural Engineers Association
of California on 21 April 1979 entitled "Suggested Procedures for Developing Seismic Ground
Motions," unless directed otherwise.
a. In general, analyze the dynamic characteristics of the structure to determine the
distribution of lateral forces in the structure. The A-E shall carefully analyze the
effects of concentrated stresses in irregular structures with: 1) highly unsymmetric
floor plans; 2) large differences in stiffness values of adjacent stories; or 3) other
unusual structural features. See NAVFAC P-355, P-355.1 and P-355.2 for more
b. When a dynamic analysis is required, the geotechnical consultant shall determine the
extent of ground motion for the site. The designing A-E shall utilize this information
in the structural design of the project. A highly coordinated effort by the (A-E)
structural engineer and the geotechnical consultant is essential to achieving the stated
design objectives.
6.2.5 Geochemical Evaluation. Certain sites have a history of industrial use and the likelihood
for chemical contamination of the site is great. In these situations, the A-E shall conduct an
in-depth geochemical evaluation of the site, in accordance with standard EPA sampling and
testing procedures. The sampling and testing procedure will generally require adherence to