2.3 How to Order Specifications and Standards: A request can be
i n i t i a t e d by telephone, t e l e g r a p h . nail in any form, or bearer.
However, i t is preferred that private industry use a simplified
order form. DD Form 1425, which includes a self-addressed label.
Once a customer orders specifications and standards. be will
a u t o m a t i c a l l y be provided sufficient blank forms to Continually
reorder in the preferred manner. A l l types of requests should be
submitted in the following manner:
Indicate complete mailing address (including zip code) and
i n v i t a t i o n - f o r - b i d or construction contract number. and
t i t l e where applicable.
Indicate quantity of each document desired.
i s s u e : 10 each (no exception).
List each desired specification or Standard by document
symbol as recorded in the DODISS.
L i s t Federal Specifications in alphabetical order. List
a l l others in numerical order. The following sequence of
c a t e g o r i e s of material is preferred: M i l i t a r y
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s , Military Standards, F e d e r a l Specifications
and Standards, etc.
Limit the number of line items ordered on each DD 1425 to
f i v e or less. include your address on self-addresred
l a b e l . (See attached sample of DD 1425.)
Telephone Requests. TELEX, and Western Union Messages:
(1) Telephone requests are permitted for urgent action
o n l y . If feasible, TELEX and Western Union messages are
recommended in lieu of telephonic requests: Use TELEX
Number 834295 or Western Union Number 710-670-1685.
(2) NPFC can only receive TELEX or Western Union messages:
it cannot answer queries by TELEX or Western Union
messages. Therefore, customers should include a full
address and telephone number to insure an answer from NPFC.
(3) NPFC does not maintain files of TELEX or Western Union
messages. so Cross references to former messages cannot be
checked. Customers should resubmit the original message
fully when following up on a previous message.
(4) To submit a request by telephone, call AREA CODE 215
697-3321. Duty Hours: 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.--Monday thru
F r i d a y (Philadelphia time). O f f - d u t y telephone requests
are serviced by automatic answering device 7 days a week.
Y-SPEC 1/89