(5) Customer requests are generally filled within 5 working
days provided the material is on the shelf. This does not
i n c l u d e transit or delivery time.
Helpful Hints:
Requests will not be backordered. Requesters will be
n o t i f i e d to resubmit at a later date.
Amendments and Revisions will be automatically issued with
t h e basic specifications.
Only end item specifications will be furnished. Referenced
documents must be requested by individual document number.
Slash sheets, such as MIL-E-1/306B, must be individually
requested by document number. Slash sheets will not be
issued as a set.
Superseded or canceled specifications are not stocked at
NPFC. These specifications must be processed through the
p r o c u r e m e n t or contracting officer of the military activity
having an interest in the document.
Do not submit requests listing National Stock Numbers
only. NPFC cannot cross-reference National Stock Numbers
to applicable specification numbers.
NPFC Philadelphia does not maintain a file of Invitations
For Bid. R e q u e s t s For Quotes, contracts, etc., so each
individual document must be listed by document number when
requested from NPFC.
When submitting multiple requests, place full mailing
address on each request..
NPFC issues only printed documents.
If handscribed requests are to be submitted, please use
black or dark blue ink only;
Subscription Service (Automatic Distribution):
2.5.1 New and/or revised releases of those Military and Federal
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s and Standards (including Qualified Products Lists)
which are to be listed in the DODISS are available on a subscription
basis with automatic mailing upon payment of fees. This fee
e n t i t l e s the subscriber to receive, for a one year period, one copy
each of all new or revised documents printed after the effective
s u b s c r i p t i o n date. (Documents issued prior to the subscription date
must be ordered individually.)
Y-SPEC 1/89