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Use "should" and "may" whenever it is necessary to express
nonmandatory provisions. This is seldom necessary in a
w e l l written specification.
" T h e connector should have polarized blades."
The statement above really indicates a preference for a
power plug with polarized blades. "Should" and "may" are "
used to express an option and are frequently abused. For
"The data Should be furnished on magnetic tape but ray
be provided on 80-column punch cards."
This statement does not preclude the Contractor from
f u r n i s h i n g magnetic disc. If what is meant is that tape is
p r e f e r r e d , but Cards acceptable, i t should be stated this
"The data shall be furnished on either magnetic tape
or 80-column punch cards; however, magnetic tape is
"Will" shall be used to express a declaration of purpose on
behalf of the Government. "Will" shall also be used in
c a s e s where it is necessary to express simple futurity.
i . e . , "negatives will be supplied by the Government."
Use the terms "flammable ," and "nonflammable" in lieu of
"the terms "inflammable, " "uninflammable," and
Whenever possible, u s e decimals instead of fractions.
12. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NUMBER: The Construction Contract
number and its related Specification number must be used on the
s p e c i f i c a t i o n documents. The A-E contract number is never used on a
c o n s t r u c t i o n contract. Check with the PDE.
13. FACTORY TESTING: Do not ask for Unreasonable or meaningless
t e s t s . r e p o r t s . or certifications but rely to the maximum extent on
t h e manufacturer's normally available quality control data. Do not
c a l l for factory certified tests or factory witnessed tests for
m i n o r items or for off-the-shelf types of materials or equipment.
Often the expense involved in testing is considerable and cannot be
j u s t i f i e d . The Government will emphasize quality assurance testing
a n d the Contractor shall provide quality control type testing. (See
Section 7. " Q u a l i t y Control.")
14. USE OF GOVERNMENT TESTING FACILITIES: S p e c i f i c a t i o n s shall
b e prepared to place the responsibility for field and laboratory
testing on the Contractor for CQC type Contracts and on the
Contractor and the government for nonCQC type contracts. The
Y-SPEC 1/89