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estimate indicates a total cost for the work in excess of 90% of the ECC, then
the A/E shall submit a list of suggested bid items and their relative costs
along with the Design Development submission. In such a case, the value of
the base bid item shall not exceed 90% of the ECC and the total value of all
bid items shall not exceed the ECC. NORTHDIV has established a policy that
only ADDITIVE bid items may be used in projects; deductive bid items shall
not be used. The A/E shall keep in mind that bid items represent project
"scope", i.e., work to be bid by the contractor in addition to the base bid.
The government cannot show alternate designs on the drawings and ask for
contractor bids on such alternates. This is considered to be bid shopping and
is not permitted. However, choices of designs by the contractor may be
permitted where (1) such designs are typically furnished by a manufacturer or
vendor, such as steel connections or water tank shapes, (2) a choice of
materials or methods would be equally satisfactory for the purpose and are
comparable in cost, such as underground storm or sanitary sewer piping as
covered in the NFGS, or (3) work which is typically or uniquely covered by
performance type specifications. The following guidance for bid items
(a) Design the project so that the Base Bid (Bid Item 1)
alone, or the Base Bid plus any single or combination of additive bid items,
will provide a complete and usable facility which will satisfy the
requirements of the activity.
(b) Non-cumulative, independent, additive bid items may be
specified that will provide additional desired features, that are within the
project's scope, when added to the Base Bid.
(c) Try to limit additive bid items to two; the maximum
allowable number of additives shall be four.
(d) Additive bid item costs should preferably be in the
range of 3% to 5% of the ECC.
(e) Additive bid items shall be set up in the order of
DESCENDING PRIORITY, i.e., the most desirable feature to be added must be Bid
Item 2, the next most desirable is Bid Item 3, etc.
(f) See the chapter titled "Preparation of Specifications"
for more information regarding the specification of bid items.
2) Discussion and agreement upon suggested bid items will take
place as part of the government's review of the Design Development Submission.
g) Air Force Form 1178 - Instructions for preparation and a blank Form
1178 are attached to this chapter.
Final Submission
Cost Documentation Required
The A/E shall submit the following cost engineering documentation to form the
cost estimate for the Final Submission:
a) For projects involving new buildings or additions over $500,000 ECC,
new family housing or other projects over $1 million ECC:
Cost Estimate Backup Sheets, including:
CQC Requirements Form
Checklist of Overhead Cost Items Form
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