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professional explanation of the design.  Accordingly, the A/E's
project manager and lead designer for each applicable discipline,
including the architect, structural engineer, mechanical engineer,
electrical engineer, civil engineer and fire protection engineer,
shall participate in the presentation.  The presentation shall entail
one day for all participants.  The A/E's presentation shall address
issues similar to those listed for the Schematic Presentation with
elaboration on:
Exterior circulation.
Reuse of soils, storm drainage and utility runs.
Handling of special environmental issues or hazards.
d)  Discussion on detailed floor plan layouts, structural
system, building elevations, equipment accommodations, and
circulation elements.
e)  Operation and maintenance of major building systems,
especially mechanical and electrical.
How design minimizes operating costs and maintenance.
Life safety, systems safety and physical security features.
Constructability of the design.
Other issues affecting design layout, systems, materials and
Design Development Review Board Meeting
The purposes of the Design Development Review Board Meeting are to
review, discuss and resolve all government review comments to date on
the design, including the resolution of Value Engineering Proposals,
if applicable.  The intent of the meeting is settle all issues
affecting significant design decisions so that, if authorized, the
design may proceed through the working drawing stage to completion.
Accordingly, the A/E's project manager and lead designer for each
applicable discipline, including the architect, structural engineer,
mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, civil engineer and fire
protection engineer, shall participate in the meeting.  The meeting
shall entail two days for all participants if a Value Engineering
Team Study (VETS) has been performed on the project or one day for
all participants if a VETS is not applicable to the project.  (See
the chapter titled, "Other Services", for more information regarding
the A/E's effort relative to the VETS.)
Final Design Review Meeting
The purpose of the Final Design Review Meeting is to review, discuss
and resolve all final government review comments on the design.
Accordingly, the A/E's project manager and lead designer for each
applicable discipline, including the architect, structural engineer,
mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, civil engineer and fire
protection engineer, shall participate in the meeting.  The meeting
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Western Governors University

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