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2)  Sizes of all pipe and related equipment for utilities,
based on both hydraulic and structural loading requirements.
3)  Composition and thickness calculations for paving.
Design parking lots in accordance with DM-5.4, "Civil Engineering -
4)  Sizing for oil-water separators.
Sizing calculations
shall be based on:
Design temperature of operation.
(b)  Specific gravity differential between the oil to
be removed and the carrier liquid.
The diameter of the minimum sized oil particle
to be removed.
The design flow rate at the design temperature
of operation.
The submitted analysis for parallel plate separators shall include
the required projected plate surface area needed to achieve treatment
A check for stability against buoyancy for underground tanks and
vaults shall also be completed.
A copy of the field notes for the topographic survey.
Progress Submission  Drawings:  Submit the following drawings developed to the
completion indicated:
a)  Drawings required for the Design Development Submission
(100% complete).
Details as follows (80% complete):
NOTE:  NORTHDIV will provide the A/E with standard details for many
of the civil items listed below.
1)  Removal Details:
Details, where necessary, of items
to be removed.
2)  Site Details:  street profiles, pavement sections and
joint layouts, handicapped provisions details, parking and pavement
markings, curb and gutter details, walk details, pavement repair
details for utility crossings, guard post details, fencing and gate
details, wheel stop details, street sign details, etc.
3)  Grading and Storm Drainage Details:  ditch profiles
and sections, erosion control details, storm drainage structure
details including security barriers, pipe profiles where necessary,
frames, grates, and cover details, etc.
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Western Governors University

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