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The Architectural portion of the design shall be prepared in a
thorough, logical manner which follows the normal construction
sequence.  This chapter covers specific technical requirements for
typical Architectural design submissions.  Not all requirements will
be applicable to all projects.  In addition, this chapter deals only
with technical requirements applicable to those facilities most
commonly procured by NORTHDIV.  When applicable, additional
Architectural design requirements for special or unique projects will
be separately addressed by NORTHDIV in the Appendix "A" and
subsequent A/E briefings.
General information on format and preparation of drawings,
specifications, cost estimates and design analysis are covered in
other chapters of the A/E Guide.  Refer to the Appendix "A" to
determine which design submissions are required for the project and
their respective due dates.
Related Requirements
Site Investigation
Detailed requirements for architecturally related site investigation
services, including an existing conditions survey and roof samples
and report, when applicable, are detailed in the chapter titled "Site
Investigation Services".
Architectural Programming
Detailed requirements for Architectural Programming are given in the
chapter titled "Other Services".  The Appendix "A" will indicate if
architectural programming is required and the level of detail
necessary.  Such effort may include an intensive on-site "Squatter's
Session" leading to the development of a draft schematic design.
Fire Protection and Life Safety
Detailed requirements for fire protection and life safety are given
in the chapter titled "Facilities Protection."
Interior Design (Building Finishes Package)
Detailed requirements for Interior Design services, when required,
including preparation of a Building Finishes package and, if
applicable, a Comprehensive Interior Design Package (for Air Force
projects), are given in the chapter titled "Other Services".
Renderings and Models
Detailed requirements for preparation of renderings and/or models,
when applicable, will be provided in the Appendix "A".
General Architectural Design Requirements
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Western Governors University

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