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design is based. Include a summary of the results of geotechnical
investigations and the impact on the foundation design, including
soil bearing, rock bearing, or pile bearing capacities and settlement
2) Superstructure: A summary of the loads upon which the
design is based. Identify controlling roof design loads, i.e., snow
concurrent with ponding or minimum roof design load. Identify type
of framing systems. Identify elements governed by deflection, when
critical, or those requiring camber, such as girders, steel joist
girders, trusses, or prestressed reinforced concrete elements.
3) Unusual Design Conditions: Discuss how conditions
such as seismic (indicate seismic zone, loads and assumptions),
hurricane, poor or erratic soils, or vibration isolation elements
have been addressed in the design. Discuss provisions for future
expansion, if applicable. Discuss special restrictions such as
height or tolerances for installing or operating equipment.
b) Calculations (80% complete) as follows (NOTE: Calculations
shall reference all design criteria used on the first page):
1) Structural calculations for the main framing systems
and major components (beams, columns, walls, foundations, slabs,
bracing, diaphragms, equipment supports, etc.) reflecting
consideration of all design loads and criteria. Design for lateral
forces shall be thoroughly documented. Include structural analysis
for supporting mechanical equipment and piping.
2) For projects in seismic zones 2 or 3, provide seismic
design computations for the stresses in the lateral force resisting
elements and their connections, and for the resulting lateral
deflections and interstory drifts. For projects in seismic zone 1, a
complete seismic analysis is not required if wind loads control,
however, provide seismic detailing requirements as specified in
NAVFAC P-355 (see Attachment 6).
(NOTE: When calculations are generated via computer programs, the
schematic models used for input shall show, as a minimum,
nodes/joints, element/members, materials/properties, and all
loadings, temperature changes, induced settlements/deflections, etc.,
and a list of their combinations considered in the analysis.
Computer results shall include an output summary listing for
maximum/minimum stresses/forces and deflections for each element and
the structure reactions for each loading combination. See the
chapter titled "Preparation of Design Analysis" for additional
For structures requiring resistance to the effects of accidental
explosions, structural designs shall conform to NAVFAC P-397,
"Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions". NAVFAC
P-397 references PC based programs available to assist in producing
structural design calculations for such facilities. When applicable,
NORTHDIV can provide the A/E copies of such program disks.)
Progress Submission
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