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"Architectural Design".)  Additional requirements for the Building Finishes
Package are outlined in "AFRCE Architectural Design Requirements" of 11
February 1986 (with revisions June 1986).
For the Final Building Finishes Package the A/E shall revise and resubmit the
Preliminary Building Finishes Package to reflect resolution of all government
review comments.
Comprehensive Interior Design Package (AIR FORCE PROJECTS ONLY)
The A/E shall submit Early Preliminary, Preliminary, Advanced Final, and Final
Comprehensive Interior Design Packages in accordance with the Milestone and
Distribution Schedules in the Appendix "A".  The package shall be prepared in
accordance with the requirements of "AFRCE Architectural Design Requirements"
of 11 Feb 86 (with revisions Jun 86).
Design Info Pamphlet (AIR FORCE PROJECTS ONLY)
The A/E shall submit a completed Design Information Pamphlet with the Final
Submission.  Format and requirements for the Design Information Pamphlet are
contained in Attachment 22B, "Air Force Design Information Pamphlet".
Air Force Energy Report (AIR FORCE PROJECTS ONLY)
The A/E shall submit a completed Air Force Energy Report with the Design
Development Submission.  Format and requirements for the Air Force Energy
Report are contained in Attachment 22C, "Air Force Energy Report".
Projects involving ammunition and/or explosives require that NORTHDIV secure a
site approval from the Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB).
The DDESB may grant a site approval prior to the start of design for
ammunition/explosive projects utilizing approved definitive designs (eg.,
magazines).  However, for unique designs, the DDESB issues only an interim
site approval to permit the design to proceed, but requires the submittal of a
Final Safety Review Package at the Design Development stage for purposes of
granting final site approval.  Accordingly, and only when so indicated in the
Appendix "A", the A/E shall prepare and submit a Final Safety Review Package
in accordance with the Milestone and Distribution Schedules in the Appendix
"A".  The Final Safety Review Package shall consist of the following
a)  Drawings:  In accordance with Attachment 22D, NAVFACINST 11010.44E,
"Section VI, Final Safety Review", paragraphs 10.28.A, 10.28.B and 10.28.C.
b)  Justification and Rationale:
In accordance with Attachment 22D,
paragraph 10.28.D.
c)  Detailed Design Development Narrative: In the absence of the
detailed drawings required for safety items (eg., lightning protection, static
grounding systems, process equipment, etc.) by Attachment 22D, paragraph
10.28.C.1, submit a detailed design development narrative in accordance with
Attachment 22E, NAVSEA OP 5, Vol 1, paragraph 8-1.2.5.c.
d)  Hazard Assessment:  In accordance with Attachment 22E, paragraph 7-
6.3.  Coordinate with the government prepared PHA and the Hazards Resolution
Report and Hazards Analyses Report required by the Appendix "A" and detailed
in the chapter titled "Facilities Protection Design".
Economic Analysis
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Western Governors University

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