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![]() 10. Basic fuel type, electric, gas, fuel oil, or coal. Circle applicable
fuel type and state cost in dollars per kwh, therm, gallon, or ton that you
based your economic analysis for life cycle cost on. If more than one fuel
type applies, circle all applicable and list all costs:
(Fuel Oil)$
(Gas) $
(Electric) $
11. Type Calculation. Briefly describe how you calculated EBF 2, for
example: By trace-tram run, by blast run, by in-house computer TR-80 using
manufacturer's software, by hand calculation, or any similar brief statement:
12. EC Features. List below the Codes that apply to this facility design.
Most facilities list at least Code #3 for EMCS, i.e., all buildings must have
EMCS features to allow connection to a base EMCS. Coder are #l - Building
uses solar space heating features (normal, active, or unique passive), 42 -
Building uses solar domestic water heating feature (active or unique passive);
#3 - Building is wired to be connected to EMCS; #4 - Building is designed to
maximize natural lighting and minimize electric load to light space, #5 -
Building is heated and cooled with heat pumps; #6 - Building has heat recovery
features in design. Code:
13. EBF Comments. Describe below why EBF 2 exceeds EBF 1 (if applicable).
If designer tried to include solar features or was directed to and could not
economically justify the feature, comment below also why feature could not pay
back cost within 25 years.
Attachment 22C
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