10 Apr 89
1. General Requirements. Provide a detailed Operation and Maintenance
Support Instruction Manual.
2. Description of Work. Manual shall be divided into five (5) sections
identified as "Operation", "Preventive Maintenance", "Corrective
Maintenance", "User Guide" and "Appendix". An outline for the generic
contents of the manual is provided on Attachment A. Manual is to be
factual, specific, concise and comprehensive.
Manual should be understandable to high school or equivalent graduate,
with minimal practical experience.
Operation and Maintenance data furnished by the construction
c o n t r a c t o r shall be utilized.
3. Format. The manual shall be bound in three durable, hard-cover,
three-ring loose leaf binders that are water and grease resistant. A blue
cover for the Maintenance Manual; A white cover for the Operational Manual;
and a red cover for the Users Manual. Binders shall be for 8 1/2" x 11"
sheet size and have a three inch thick capacity. Each binder shall be
referred to as a single volume.
No one section is to include information which is part of another
section. Example, (if a total of eight volumes/binders are required for the
manual, volumes numbers one through three could be for "Operation", volume
number four for "Preventive Maintenance", volume number five for "Corrective
Maintenance", volume number six "Users Guide" and volumes numbers seven and
eight for the "Appendix".
Each volume shall be properly identified on the front face and ring
end of the binder. Sheets in the manual shall he high quality paper and the
dividers shall be heavy duty paper with plastic reinforced holes and tabs.
Instruction sheets, drawings, etc., larger than 8 1/2" x 11" but not
exceeding 16" x 22" shall be inserted into the binders as single fold-out
A master table of contents and a master index for all volumes shall be
provided at the front of each volume. All dividers shall be plastic covered.
4. Validation. The operation and maintenance procedures shall be validated
at the site, in the presence of designated Government representatives. The
validation shall be scheduled and completed at a time mutually agreeable to
the contractor (system installation contractor) and a designed Government
personnel (including operating personnel) and the contracting officer. Any
recommended changes to the manuals shall he made by the A/E Firm at no
a d d i t i o n a l cost prior to final acceptance by the contracting officer.
Attachment 23A
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