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![]() 2.10.1 Revised Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) 11-55, Water Pollution
Control: (For State of Hawaii.) On September 22, 1997, the revised HAR 11-
55, Water Pollution Control became effective. Pursuant to HAR, Section 11-
55-34.02 eight (8) general permits were adopted. These general permits
authorize the discharge of storm water associated with certain industrial
and construction activities, treated effluent from leaking underground
storage tank remedial activities, once through cooling water less than one
million gallons per day, non-polluted hydrotesting water, dewatering
effluent from a construction activity, treated effluent from petroleum bulk
stations, and terminals, and treated effluent from well drilling
activities. Although an application is not required for a general permit,
pursuant to HAR, Section 11-55-34.08, a Notice of Intent must be submitted
with the State of Hawaii, Department of Health (DOH) no later than 30
calendar days before the discharge of pollutants to state waters. The
applicable forms shall be filled with all the information that can be
determined during the design phase.
2.11 PAYMENTS: Submit the necessary forms, obtained from the Acquisition
Department, to their office for payments. Partial payments will be made at
monthly intervals upon the A-E's request or whenever a significant amount
of work has been accomplished, based on the overall percentage of
completion. Final payment will be made after the final acceptance of the
work is effected, a properly executed Contractor's release is submitted,
and all materials are delivered or returned. Procedures for MCON projects
and for those other than MCON projects:
2.11.1 MCON Projects: By the 20th day of the month for which a progress
payment is being requested and at the completion of the contract work,
submit NAVFAC Form 7300/41, "Contractor's Invoice" together with PH-PACDIV
Form 4-4280/8, "Contract Performance Statement," (Appendix H). "Contract
Performance Statement" shall reflect percentage completion projected to the
end of the month. On each submittal show the percent of completion of the
A-E work for each cost category number as well as for the total project.
In preparing PH-PACDIV Form 4-4280/8, "Contract Performance Statement," the
A-E fee for services rendered must be segregated by cost category numbers
as shown in Appendix H. The cost category number for the basic design is
normally shown in Block 9 of SF 252, and the cost category number for
modifications is normally shown in Block 10 of SF 30, July 1966 or Block 12
of SF 30 (Rev. 10-83). Alternate Filing Date: Unless otherwise stated in the "SCOPE,"
an optional alternate filing date may be used. The two required forms may
be submitted by the 4th day of the month for work completed up to the end
of the previous month.
2.11.2 Projects Other Than MCON: Submit an original and five copies of
NAVFAC Form 7300/41, "Contractor's Invoice," at the end of the month and at
the completion of the contract work. (NOTE: PH-PACDIV Form 4-4280/8,
"Contract Performance Statement," is not required.)
2.12 CONTRACTOR'S RELEASE: Upon completion of the contract work, submit
two original NAVFAC Form 4330/7, "CONTRACTOR'S RELEASE", with the required
number of copies of Contractor's Invoice and Contract Performance Statement
for final payment. A sample of a completed Contractor's Release form is
shown in Appendix H.
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