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![]() stabilized and time of such observations, and any unusual ground water
conditions. The accuracy of elevation shall meet the design requirements.
Coordinate soil and/or rock classifications keeping in mind the definitions
of words that are commonly used in Navy specifications. If rock, including
that in various degrees of weathering, is encountered, its engineering
character pertinent to the project use shall be provided. Include the date
on which borings were made, project identification, complete driving
records for the casing and sampler indicating the number of blows per foot
or fraction of a foot penetration, the weight and height of fall of the
hammer used for driving the casing, the weight and height and fall of the
hammer and hammer type (in-hole hammer or out-hole), if used, for driving
the sample, the size of casing used, and the size and description
(manufacturer and model) of sampler for both undisturbed and disturbed
samples. Prepare boring logs in accordance with the sample contained in
Appendix Q.
6.2.3 Report: Prepare a comprehensive technical report with the results
of the work. Include a map showing the location of each boring as referred
to the lines of the proposed structures, to coordinates, to existing
structures, or to other features which are readily identifiable on Activity
maps, a record of each hole in graphical form and test data of samples,
tabulated and clearly presented. Identify the soils classification system
and testing procedures used. Include the amount of consolidation
(settlement) anticipated. Include graphs, formulas, references, pertinent
computations, and other information as required, for a complete
understanding of the analysis. Present a complete and comprehensive
analysis. Make an interpretation of information from field and laboratory
and (provide discussions, as appropriate, on potential for soil heaving,
subsidence and other deformation characteristics, and slope stabilities and
related concerns, and recommendations.) Give definite recommendations as
to the type of suitable foundations and necessary design parameters,
critical items for construction, together with estimated deformations
(settlements) pertinent to the recommended foundation system.
6.2.4 Soil Testing and Earthwork Standards: Conduct soil testing in
accordance with standard ASTM methods or other approved procedures and as a
minimum, include the number of data points recommended by these standards.
Present test results in a manner recommended by the standard and clearly
indicate the standard procedure used by the testing laboratory. Compaction
requirements shall be based on ASTM D1557 - Method B, C, or D, except when
such test procedure is not appropriate for the material to be used or
tested. In such a case, another suitable testing procedure shall be
provided, with a copy of testing procedure included in the soil report.
6.2.5 Foundation Design Recommendations: Make recommendations after a
thorough evaluation has been made of alternate foundation types to ensure
the selection of the most practical and economical foundation system for
the proposed structure. The recommendations shall be approved by a
registered Civil Engineer with Geotechnical Engineering experience, and
also have the concurrence of the A-E civil/structural designers for the
6.2.6 Ground Motion Criteria: Certain types of structures, including all
essential structures, such as hospitals may require the development of
specific seismic ground motion for the site. The following procedures are
intended to promote a more uniform approach for establishing ground motion
criteria and not intended to limit the methodology considered appropriate
by the A-E in the design of earthquake-resistance structures.
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