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Maintainability relates to the ease or frequency of efforts required to
ensure facility components function as designed. Our goal of reducing
maintenance/repair actions must start at the design stage. Proper component
selection and assembly are the first steps in the right direction. Past
designs have often failed to appropriately address maintenance needs and we
have paid dearly during the facilities' life cycles. Many maintenance
problems can be avoided during the design stage without increasing capital
costs simply by recognizing problem areas and paying attention to details.
All too often, many small design details are left to the draftsmen or will
depend solely on the "workmanship" of the tradesmen during construction. We
find that these areas where the professionals don't concentrate are the areas
that create most of our maintenance headaches. Another problem stems from
the designers being unaware of the needs of the maintainers. We need to get
O&M personnel involved in the design review process to ensure that they will
have adequate access and room to perform maintenance tasks.
AFR 88-15, Criteria and Standards for Air Force Construction, recognizes the
need for design emphasis on maintainability and should be used and followed
by all designers, unless waivered by HQ PACAF/DE. The PACAF `MAKE-IT-BETTER'
information booklet should also be consulted to ensure maintainability
standards do not conflict with command guidance on base development and base
appearance. This pamphlet supplements ETL 88-4, Reliability and
Maintainability (R&M) Design Checklist. It is not a set of mandatory items,
but should cause designers to focus attention on maintainability.
In the project criteria package (criteria package portion of RAMP for MILCON
projects), attach the following statement and the PACAF maintainability
pamphlet: "Maintainability criteria must be addressed during the design
process. Use applicable portions of the attached PACAF pamphlet as a guide.
A summarization of maintainability-considerations must be submitted with
other design documents at specified points during the design."