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![]() latest edition of the U.L. Fire Resistance
3) Details of any fire wall penetration shall
submittals will sometimes be required by the
be provided for each type of wall
Statement of Work (SOW), which will indicate
construction as outlined in the U.L.
the required completion percentage (e.g. 60%
Building Materials Directory.
interim submittal). Specific submittal items will
4) Detail type and size of fire extinguisher
be identified in the SOW, however, the primary
components will normally be the drawings and
to be provided. Base Fire Department
Drawings shall include all
should be contacted for further
requirements of the 35% submittal plus
5) The class and hour rating of fire doors
additional detail to bring them to the specified
completion percentage. See the Section 11 for
shall be provided on the door schedule.
interim specification requirements.
c. Mechanical Drawings:
1) The location of sprinkler riser must be
shown on the plumbing floor plan with a
detail of the sprinkler riser also
provided. (Note: Sprinkler piping
a. Civil Drawings (normally shown on civil
layout is not shown)
2) Any CO2 banks shall be shown with the
utility sheets which show water distribution):
1) Show all new and existing water piping
areas protected detailed.
A riser
including sizes.
diagram is also required.
2) Show new and existing valve and fire
3) The location of smoke and fire dampers
hydrant location ensuring conformance
with a detail shall be shown.
4) The physical layout of the fire pump and
with MIL-HDBK-1008-B.
3) New valve and fire hydrants shall
associated piping shall be provided.
5) Any required duct mounted smoke
require an installation detail complete
with guard posts.
detectors must be shown on the HVAC
4) The water line supplying the sprinkler
6) Fire stopping detail for penetrations of
riser shall be shown with the connection
into the building.
fire walls with reference.
5) The location of any required fire pump
d.Electrical Drawings:
or water storage tank shall be shown.
1) The existing base wide fire alarm system
must be determined. If an exterior
1) The location and rating of smoke and
master box is required, the location must
fire walls must be clearly shown and
be shown. A detail of the master box
detailed. Clearly indicate the specific
pedestal must also be provided.
2) All fire alarm and suppression devices
hourly fire rating.
2) A detail of the fire and smoke wall
including control panel, manual pull
construction must be provided along
with the particular Underwriters'
extinguishing system pressure switches,
Laboratories listing obtained from the
and audible devices shall be located on
an electrical floor plan.
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