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![]() ASTM methods or other procedures as approved by the Command. Borings are to be
tested to the extent required to ascertain the general corrosiveness of the site. Test results
shall be presented in the manner recommended by the approved procedure or standard
and clearly indicate the procedure used by the testing laboratory.
3.5.2 Boring Logs
A complete record of each test hole shall be maintained. The records shall include the
boring location, ground elevation of existing surface in reference to an established project
datum, a description of the character of the materials encountered (i.e., classification by
visual examination and an indication of the conditions in place), elevations or depths of
changes in material types where encountered, the elevation and date of the ground water
level when first encountered, the elevation of the ground water level at least 24 hours after
completion of the boring, and any other unusual ground water conditions. The vertical
extent of any visual observations or measurements of probable chemical contamination
shall be indicated and described. The record shall include the date on which borings were
made, project identification, complete driving records for the casing and sampler indicating
the number of blows per foot or fraction of a foot penetration, the weight and height of fall of
the hammer used for driving the casing, the weight and height and fall of the hammer, if
used, for driving the sample, the size of casing used, and the size and description
(manufacturer and model) of sampler for both undisturbed and disturbed samples. Boring
logs shall be prepared in accordance with, or similar to, the sample contained in Exhibit
3-A. Boring log information shall reflect basic soil information and descriptive legends as
shown in Exhibits 3-B and 3-C, as well as classification of soils and bedrock in accordance
with the systems contained in Design Manual DM-7 series. The A-E may use other forms
for boring logs provided they contain all of the required information as shown on the
3.5.3 Report
The results shall be completely recorded, analyzed and presented in a comprehensive
technical report which shall contain the necessary recommendations for site grading,
foundation design, resolution of related geotechnical problems and, if applicable, a cost
comparison of foundation systems. The report shall include a map showing the location of
each boring in reference to the lines of the proposed structures, to coordinates, to existing
structures, or to other features which are readily identifiable on station maps. The report
shall also include a record of each hole in graphical form and test data of all samples,
tabulated and clearly presented. To facilitate Graphics Engineering and Mapping Systems
(GEMS) input, the station coordinates of at least three (3) reference points (structures)
should be included in the boring location plan. The report shall identify soils and bedrock
classifications and testing systems used, and results of secondary testing such as
consolidation, tri-axial shear and other testing. The report shall describe existing surface
and subsurface conditions at the site including both physical and chemical observations of
soils during field sampling and laboratory testing. Include in the report the locations of the
cathodic protection soil tests/survey, method/description of testing, findings, and
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