3.17.2 Planning and Design for Safety.
In addition to compliance with regulations and codes, develop a facility with layout and
accommodations that protect workers from potential hazards in planned operations.
Regulations are minimum standards and frequently address worker protection measures
under adverse conditions. The Government benefits when facilities are designed for work
environments that are safe to operate and manage. Investment in safety during planning
and design includes identifying potential user hazards and eliminating or controlling them
through appropriate measures. These include selection of alternative means to
accomplish facility function, engineering controls, or installation of protective barriers.
Elimination of hazards is preferred to long-term management of hazards and mishap
consequences. An early submittal is required for major alternatives to facility arrangement.
Engineering controls should be submitted during design development. Protective barriers
should be shown in plans and specifications.
a. Determine a plan of action to design for safety. Follow guidance in MIL- STD-
882C, System Safety Program Requirements. Estimate additional effort
needed and
assign responsibilities. Submit the plan in the BOD.
b. Follow up on available Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), Preliminary
Hazard List (PHL), or list of hazards developed for the project. Where practical,
eliminate hazards identified as Risk Assessment Code (RAC) 1 and 2. Optimize
safety in the facility work environment. State the measures planned which are
complex or require significant interdisciplinary coordination.
c. If additional study is needed, discuss in the BOD and coordinate with the PL.
d. Include available PHA, PHL, or list of hazards with the BOD as an attachment.
e. Track each hazard for possible elimination, control, or protective barrier
design. Comply with MIL-HDBK-1001/1, System Safety Engineering requirements
and the A-E contractor requirements in NAVFACINST 5100.11H.
f. In each subsequent submittal, discuss progress and describe design
considerations to address safety concerns.
g. If a PHA is not available for facilities assigned an overall RAC-1 or RAC-2,
coordinate with the PL. A safety consultant may be needed. MIL-STD-882C
provides guidance for accomplishment.
The A-E shall prepare a Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Diversion Opportunity
Assessment for all projects that will utilize the Miramar Landfill in San Diego County,