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![]() e. Lighting and Illumination: Illuminating Engineering Society's (IES) Lighting
Handbook except as modified by MIL -HDBK-1190. Indicate lighting level
requirements. Describe type of lamps and fixtures to be used and where proposed
to be installed. For high bays, discuss accessibility solutions for installation and
maintenance. Describe methods for energy conservation. Describe the need for
emergency and exit fixtures.
f. Grounding: Describe the grounding system required for the facility.
g. Motor Loads: Describe the type of motors, ratings and protective devices.
h. Electronic/Computer Systems: Describe the systems and any special
coordination necessary to achieve required overall system performance and any
new techniques proposed. Describe demand load of equipment including
allowances for expansion and diversity factors used. Describe equipment
environmental air conditioning requirements, including cooling load of equipment.
Describe special bonding, grounding and shielding requirements.
i. Special Equipment: Describe any special equipment required. Describe the
basis of selection, characteristics, and types of enclosures. Include the total
connected load and resulting demand.
j. Signaling/Communication: Describe communication requirements in terms of
quantity, types of service and power.
1. Describe the types of antennae, transmission lines, method of installa-
tion, termination, switching, etc.
2. Describe radio circuit requirements, including number of circuits and
frequencies to be utilized, also wired circuits required indicating those for
voice, remote control, etc.
3. Where radio transmission is involved, provide the transmission
characteristics to determine need for frequency assignment.
4. Describe special bonding, grounding and shielding requirements.
5. For radar installations, indicate azimuth of coverage and any special
precautions to achieve safety to personnel and to minimize interference with
other operations.
k. Emergency Power: Describe the need for emergency generators or un-
interruptible power systems and method of operation during a power outage.
Describe the rating, protective devices and connections.
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