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![]() Plan And Profile
Where the new facility or utility involves a long linear strip of topographic area, special
preprinted "Plan-Profile" sheets may be used. The plan view shall be stationed from left to
right, complete with a given starting station and ending station, widths, and all topographic
features indicated. The grade profiles shall be indicated on the grid section of the sheet,
stationed similarly from left to right, and shall cover the same length of facility/utility as the
plan section. Where several sheets are required, a "match line" shall be shown on both
adjacent sheets and clearly identified for continuity. Profiles
Profiles shall be clearly identified and cross-referenced to the road or utility on the plot plan.
The scale for profiles shall generally have a ratio of 10:1 horizontal to vertical. The
horizontal scale shall be the same as the site plan. On the profiles drawing:
a. Show profiles for all sanitary and storm sewers. For storm sewers serving
tributary areas of ten (10) acres (4 hectare) or more or any pipe 12" (30mm) in
diameter (30mm) or greater under pressure flow, show hydraulic grade lines.
b. Indicate the existing and finish grade, all manholes and catch basins, invert
elevations, stationing of all appurtenances, the slope of the pipe between
appurtenances, clearly indicating the invert (flow line) and top of the new utility pipe.
c. Show profile for water mains or transmission lines indicating valve boxes and
other appurtenances located by stationing.
d. Show profiles for centerlines, edges, and ditch lines of roads, runways, and
taxiways, complete with stationing and vertical curve information for changes in
grade. Cross Sections
a. Show for all new roads, runways, taxiways, and pier aprons; and for all
reconstructed roads, runways, and taxiways where the reconstructed grade varies
substantially from the existing grade.
b. Surface and base course scarification, regrading and recompacting to restore
original grade and section, will not require cross sections.
c. Show the cross-section of all intersecting existing and/or new utility lines or
culverts to indicate possible interferences of one utility to another, or indicate
amount of cover over pipes or culverts.
d. Cross sections shall be:
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