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|| Large Scale Site Plans
Provide additional large scale Site/Plot Plans where outside plumbing systems are so
extensive as to preclude their indication at a reasonable scale on a single plan. In this
case, the Site Plan shall serve as a Key Plan. Plumbing Plans
Plumbing Plans are required for each floor, as well as for foundation, attic, and roof spaces
containing equipment and or piping. Plumbing Plans shall:
a. Be drawn at a scale not less than 1/8"=1'0", 1:100.
b. Include legends, notes, etc. to assure clarity.
c. Show provisions for controlling expansion and anchoring of piping.
d. Not combine HVAC work with Plumbing system work without the specific
approval of the PL. Large Scale Plumbing Plans
Large scale Plumbing Plans shall be submitted for equipment rooms. Large scale plans
a. Be drawn at a scale of " = 1'0", or 1:20.
b. Include equipment in the room drawn to scale.
c. Include piping in the room over 3", 750 mm diameter drawn to scale using double
lines; piping 3", 750 mm and less can be shown single line.
d. Identify (using dashed lines for example) adequate space for maintenance,
including removal of filters, chlorinators, etc. Elevations/Sections
Provide elevations and/or sections where vertical dimensions and/or potential
interferences are significant in the design. The scale of the elevation/section shall be large
enough to clearly show the characteristics of the system, and to allow accurate take-offs of
vertical lengths and fittings.