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9.2 Aircraft Hangar. This facility IDS is designed with perimeter and
interior sensors reporting through a control unit to both a local audible
annunciator and to a central monitoring point (Figure 55).
9.2.1 Perimeter. The perimeter IDS components consist of balanced magnetic
switches, recess mounted, on all exterior connecting doors. Alarm devices
will be armed for all hours when the building is not occupied.
9.2.2 Interior. High risk compartments and interior corridors are
protected by passive infrared motion detectors. These sensors provide
defense-in-depth and will permit compartmentalization by the system should
only a small portion of the building require alarm devices protection with
other contiguous areas open and available for use.
9.2.3 Alarm Reporting and Display. Independent zone controls will enable
zones to be in access or secure modes at the same time. The control unit
supervises all wiring for tamper even when the system is entirely in access.
The status information is communicated to the central monitoring point via
telephone links. A local audible annunciator alarm bell or siren will sound
whenever an alarm occurs to provide both a local alerting capability to
security patrols and a deterrent effect to an intruder attempting