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![]() (b) The program uses plate and beam finite elements for the
solution of two-dimensional problems subject to dynamic distributed or
concentrated loading. The material model is a bilinear model defined by
yield stress and modulus of elasticity over the two regions. A provision is
included to allow for internal hinges and the dynamic response is determined
by time-step integrations.
(a) SINGER is a program used for the analysis of
two-dimensional inelastic reinforced concrete frames subject to dynamic
loads. It is intended to analyze the static and dynamic inelastic,
nonlinear-geometry large deformation behavior of reinforced concrete frames.
(b) The user may model each element of the frames as a
composite of longitudinal reinforcing bars confined within a mass of
concrete stirrups that have a protective cover of unconfined concrete.
Wide flange metal beams may also be included. Loadings may be input as time
histories either acting as concentrated or distributed forces. The program
predicts the equilibrium position either neglecting or considering inertia
effects, allowing large changes in geometry. It models yielding and
fracture of materials and elements.
(a) SDOOR is a computer program capable of performing dynamic
bilinear analysis and optimized design, of rectangular steel plates with
various boundary conditions subject to explosive blast pressures. The
program is intended to perform the approximate design of built-up and heavy
steel blast doors used in blast cells. The procedures used in the program
are the same as those outlined in NAVFAC P-397.
(b) The program computes the blast shock and gas pressures
based on the given type and quantity of explosive. It determines the
structure properties of the plate, computes plate resistance using yield
line theory, and determines the dynamic response of the plate.
(c) The results of the dynamic analysis consist of the blast
loading (peak shock pressure, gas pressure and impulse), stiffness and
resistance of structure, and a dynamic time history of the response of the
plate. Optimization procedures allow for automatic interaction of design to
produce a least-cost design.
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