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government agencies. Thus, when considering items for designation, EPA examines whether
government agencies and their contractors purchase the items.
Government procurement also has an impact that extends far beyond the Federal,
state, and local levels. As encouraged in RCRA and Executive Order 12873, the Federal
government often serves as a model for private and other public institutions. Because of this
secondary effect, EPA includes items that are. not unique to or primarily used by government
agencies. Many of the items that EPA has designated are selected because they have broad.
application both in government and in the private sector.
Information on the potential impact of government procurement for each item EPA is
designating is presented in subsection c, "Impact of Government Procurement," in the
individual item designation discussions in sections X-XVI of this document.
4. Availability and Competition
The items EPA has designated are available either from national distributors or
manufacturers or from regional or local sources. The relative availability of an item
influences the ability of a procuring agency to secure an adequate level of competition when
procuring an item. In the event that a satisfactory level of competition is unattainable, a
procuring agency may elect to `waive the requirement to purchase an EPA-designated item
with recovered materials content based on the limitations listed in RCRA section 6002(c).
Information on the availability of each item EPA has designated, including the
number of manufacturers that produce the items, is presented in subsection b, "Technically
Proven Uses," in the individual item designation discussions in sections X-XVI of this
5. Other Uses for Recovered Materials
In selecting items for designation, EPA also considers the following: (1) the
possibility of one recovered material displacing another recovered material as feedstock,
thereby resulting in no net reduction in materials requiring disposal; (2) the diversion of
recovered materials from one product to another, possibly creating shortages in feedstocks
for one or both products, and (3) the ability of manufacturers to obtain recovered materials in
sufficient quantity to produce the item under consideration.
While other uses for recovered materials are a consideration, they were not a
determining factor when selecting items for designation in the CPG because. there is a need
for additional markets for all recovered materials used to manufacture the designated items.

Western Governors University

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