plastic liners with recovered materials content.
GSA's Commercial Item Descriptions (CIDs), A-A-2299B and A-A-1668D, cover
plastic trash bags. These CIDs are based on performance requirements. According to the
information available to EPA, neither CID precludes the use of recovered materials in the
manufacture of plastic trash bags. In addition, several states, including Michigan, Nebraska,
Minnesota, Delaware, and Wisconsin, have their own specifications for plastic trash bags
containing recovered materials.
c. Impact of government procurement. Government agencies purchase, or use
appropriated Federal funds to purchase, trash bags. EPA does not have specific data on the
number of trash bags procured by government agencies, although EPA estimates that the
quantities are significant. Thus, the Agency believes that these items are procured in
sufficient quantities to support the designation of these items. As previously discussed, the
National Association of State Purchasing Officials' Recycled Product Database lists 88
different contracts for plastic liners with recovered materials content.
4. Designation
In 40 CFR 247.16(e), EPA is designating plastic trash bags as items that are or can
be made with recovered materials. This designation does not preclude a procuring agency
from purchasing a trash bag manufactured using another material, such as paper. It simply
requires that a procuring agency, when purchasing trash bags, purchase these items made
from recovered materials EPA encourages agencies purchasing trash bags made with other
materials to seek these items containing recovered materials as well.
In the new Part 247, EPA established 247.17 for item designations that do not fall
within any other product c&gory. However, EPA is not currency designating any items in
this category.
In addition to the items proposed for designation, EPA listed 23 items as potential
items for designation and four items that the Agency felt were inappropriate for designation.
The Agency also requested information and comments on these items (see 59 FR 1888 1,
April 20, 1994).
A. Potential Items for Designation
In addition to the items proposed for designation, EPA listed and requested