Custom Search
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![]() in MIL-HDBK 1013/14 to increase resistance to a moving vehicle threat. In addition the gate
shall have Type III Barricade markings in accordance with Section 3F.01 of MUTCD (3 per
lane) secured to the gate horizontally. This configuration enables a reduced potential
penetration, maximizes standoff, and controls the entry of pedestrians during periods when
the ECF is not in use.
4.11 Personnel Protection
The design of the ECF should ensure safety of the security personnel operating the access
control zone. The areas where guards will be posted shall be elevated above the roadway
and the area should be protected from accidental impact from traffic (in either direction)
through the use of barrier systems or crash cushions. One example of a barrier system would
be a short, concrete bull nose wall at the beginning and end of an elevated island. By
elevating the personnel on an island, they are protected from accidental impact during
identification checks. The bull nose is designed to protect the personnel from potential injury
caused by a vehicle leaving the roadway or lane. This type of system not only enhances the
safety of security of personnel, but it also offers the personnel cover in the event of an attack.
Guard facilities such as the sentry booth and gatehouse shall also be protected from vehicular
impact through the use of barriers. See the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide for further
information concerning barriers and crash cushions.
4.12 Facilities
The guard facilities at the ECF should provide a comfortable, safe working environment for
security personnel. Generally, a single gatehouse centered in the entry control facility may
be utilized, or alternatively the gatehouse may be located to the side of the roadway. If the
gatehouse is located to the side of the roadway, consider providing a sentry booth in the
central island of the access control zone to provide easily accessible shelter and protection for
the guards operating the ECF. Ref. 4 provides guidance on the design of sentry booths,
gatehouses, and guard towers. The sentry booth and gatehouse may be a site-built or
prefabricated structure. The basic considerations in determining the size of the facility are
number of personnel assigned during normal operations, space required for electronic and
electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, and counter or work space. The appearance of
the guard facilities should be in accordance with the installation exterior architectural plan.
Visibility from the facilities should be maximized. Access will be provided from the guard
facilities to the pedestrian walkways entering the ECF.
Where guard facilities are located near the roadway, a minimum platform width of 610 mm
(2 ft.) shall be provided behind the curb (2, 2). This width is the minimum necessary for
security personnel to stand post adjacent to the facility, therefore additional platform width is
recommended to provide additional safety through increased lateral clearance and space for
security personnel carrying weapons or equipment (7, 32).
In addition to the guard facilities, a shelter will be provided near any inspection lane for
occupants of a vehicle that is to be searched. The shelter shall be similar to a bus stop shelter,
with see-thru walls to allow security personnel to observe the vehicle occupants at all times.
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