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Reference 8, the illuminance inside the guard facility should be limited to the minimum
required for comfortable completion of the expected tasks and functions. As indicated in
Figure 29-17 of Reference 8, the recommended average illuminance for the gatehouse is 300
lx (30 footcandles) on the work plane in the gatehouse. Additional recommendations from
Reference 8, include providing well-shielded task luminaires to avoid reflections on monitors
and windows. Also providing specular-reflecting, low transmission glass at a tilted angle and
painting the inside of the gatehouse dark colors limit the view into the guard facility.
Consideration should also be given to providing magenta filters for interior lighting to lessen
the impact of interior lighting on the night vision of security personnel. See Section 4.6 for
exterior lighting considerations.
4.12.9 Visitor Control Center / Pass Office (FUTURE)
4.13 Parking
The design of the access control zone should also incorporate parking to support security
vehicles and vehicles associated with shift changes of security personnel.
4.14 Aesthetics
Primary entry control points provide the first public impression of the installation. It must
present the proper appearance for visitors, employees, and military personnel (7, 1). The
layout, landscaping, and architecture of the facilities are factors in the image.
4.15 Landscaping
Landscaping can greatly improve the aesthetics of the ECF and the impressions of personnel
and visitors (7, 19). Landscape design should include line of sight considerations. It is
important that the line of sight of security personnel through the ECF not be impeded. This
includes consideration of auxiliary guard positions, which require an adequate and
acceptable line of fire. Landscaping can also be used to provide natural features that can
act as passive vehicle barriers to provide containment of vehicles through the ECF. As noted in
MIL-HDBK 1013/14 (Ref. 3), ditches, berms, slope-cuts, and other natural features can be
designed to be passive vehicle barriers. In addition, the existing natural terrain may be
impassable by vehicles and incorporated into the design. Examples of using natural terrain
would be utilizing bounding wetlands, dense forest, etc. as passive barriers. The use of the
natural terrain and landscaping will aid in integrating the ECF into the existing landscape,
improve aesthetics and image, and is encouraged.
4.16 Construction Phasing
If the project involves the modification of an existing entry control facility, considerable
attention should be paid to the phasing of construction. In most cases, it is desirable to
minimize the interruption of the entry control facility operations especially during periods of
peak demand.