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![]() and vehicle colors. The ability to identify colors accurately and confidently is determined by
the light source spectral power distribution and the illuminance level. This capability is
commonly referred to as color rendition and is measured by the color rendition index (CRI).
To ensure appropriate color rendition, any nominally white light source (CRI > 50) will be
used at the illuminances typically encountered at an ECF (8).
The lighting in the truck inspection station should be designed as controlled lighting, to reduce
light pollution and increase traffic safety. Glare projection or glare lighting should be
avoided. Utilize luminaires that are classified as cutoff or semi-cutoff. The lighting should not
be directed in the driver's eyes and it should not backlight important signage (2).
Since closed circuit television (CCTV) will likely be part of the inspection operation, it is
important to coordinate the lighting and CCTV system (5,11-1). References 5 and 6 provide
further information on designing lighting systems for use with CCTV. See Section 4.7 for
further considerations.
7.7 Communications and Information Technology
The inspection office and guard facilities will have telephone communication capability. In
addition, some installations may require an emergency ring down telephone, which provides a
direct, hard-line connection to the installation emergency dispatch or control center. The
requirements for radio-based communication should be coordinated with the installation. Due
to the potential of computerized identification systems, the inspection office shall be capable
of connecting to installation wide information technology systems. If no installation wide data
cabling system exists, this capability can be achieved through the use of the telephone system.
Any sentry booths provided as part of the inspection facility will have provisions for
connection to the installation wide computer network, as well to a central server to be located
in the inspection office.
7.8 Utilities
Water service for general use and for the unisex restroom in the inspection office will be
provided. Waste system utilities will be provided for the unisex restroom. If it is technically
impossible or economically infeasible to provide these utilities to a truck inspection office due
to site constraints, the installation may wave the requirement to provide the water and waste
utilities. See Section 7.5 for electrical power requirements.
7.9 Perimeter Fence and Gate
Where the truck inspection facility is part of a Commercial/Large Vehicle ECF, each ECF
should have a gate enabling the ECF to be closed at the installation perimeter when not in
use. This gate should be reinforced with cables as indicated in MIL-HDBK 1013/14 to
increase resistance to a moving vehicle threat. In addition the gate shall have Type III
Barricade in accordance with Section 3F.01 of MUTCD (3 per lane) secured to the gate
horizontally. This configuration enables a reduced potential penetration and maximizes
standoff during periods when the ECF is not in use.
A centralized truck inspection facility located off installation should be secured with a security
fence in accordance with OPNAV 5530.14C, including a gate enabling the truck inspection
facility to be closed at the perimeter of the inspection facility site when not in use.
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