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APPENDIX D (Continued)
Sacrificial anodes, I: 2-63
also see cathodic protection
Safety grounding, I: 1-2, 1-5, 4-1; II: 2-13
Salting methods (for electrode enhancement), I: 2-63; II: 1-185
Saltpeter, I: 2-60
also see chemical enhancement
Screen room, see shielded enclosures
Selection criteria, I: 2-1, 3-1, 7-1, 8-1; II: 1-6 to 1-9
bonds, for, I: 7-1
earth electrode subsystem, for, I: 2-1; II: 1-6 to 1-9
lightning protection, for, I: 3-1
shielding, for, I: 8-1
Semiconductor surge arresters, I: 10-18
also see arresters, surge
Shielded enclosures, I: 8-63 to 8-72
custom built, I: 8-70
double walled, I: 8-71
modular, I: 8-66
Shielding angle, see cone of protection
Shielding effectiveness (SE), I: 8-4, 8-19, 8-31, 8-59; II: 1-155 to 1-160, 1-168
building materials, of, I: 8-59; II: 1-155 to 1-160, 1-168
definition of, I: :8-4
equations for, I: 8-31
layered shields, of, I: 8-31
single thickness shields, of, I: 8-4
tables of, I: 8-6 to 8-54
also see absorption loss, reflection loss, and shields

Western Governors University

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