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APPENDIX D (Continued)
Shielding, electromagnetic, I: 8-1
functions of, I: 8-1
theory of, I: 8-2
Shielding requirement, I: 8-14
Shields, I: 8-31; II: 1-154 to 1-165, 2-19, 3-25, 3-27, 3-35, 3-42, 3-53
components, II: 3-25
configuration of, I: 8-63; II: 1-162
design of, I: 8-74; II: 1-159
discontinuous, see apertures
equipment, guidelines for, II: 3-25
grounding of, I: 8-70; II: 1-162, 3-26, 3-35
inspection of, II: 2-19, 3-53
magnetic, I: 8-20, 8-41; II: 1-165, 3-42
material selections for, I: 8-53; II: 1-160, 1-162, 3-42
metal foils as, I: 8-71
personnel protection, I: 8-74; II: 1-159
seams in, I: 8-42; II: 1-162, 3-27, 3-49
testing of, I: 8-72
thin film I: 8-31; II: 1-162
Shields, perforated, I: 8-33, 8-52; II: 1-162, 3-30
honeycomb, I: 8-52; II: 1-162, 3-30
screens, I: 8-33, 8-52; II: 3-30
Shock hazards, electric, I: 9-1 to 9-3
effects on human body, I: 9-1
prevention of, I: 9-3
Signal grounding terminals, II: 3-1, 3-44, 3-46
Signal reference, I: 1-3; II: 3-1, 3-35
Silver solder (for bonding), I: 7-14; II: 1-140
Site selection, II: 1-2 to 1-6

Western Governors University

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